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Hoffman Electrolysis Apparatus, Complete

Item 3155-01


Use This Apparatus For Qualitative And Quantitative Study Of The Electrolytic Decomposition Of Electrolytes Such As Water, Hydrochloric Acid, Etc. It Consists Of 2 Vertical, 50 ml, Gas-Collecting, Graduated Glass Tubes With Stopcocks At Top. The Tubes Are Joined To A Reservoir By A Bridging Tube And Fitted With A Pair Of Platinum Electrodes At Their Lower Ends. A Lead Wire Connecting The Platinum Electrode Passes Through The Glass Tube For External Connections, So That Only The Platinum Electrode Comes In Contact With The Electrolyte.
• Comes With A Teacher’S Guide And Reproducible Student Handout
• packed In A Styrofoam Case
• Mounted On A Cast Iron Stand
• Requires A 6 V Battery Or Low Voltage Dc Power Supply For Operation (Not Included)

Teacher's Guide
Student Handout
  • AmSci Exclusive
  • Teacher's Guide Included
  • Handout Included

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